Our goal, at the Center for Neuromodulation, is to expand our trans-disciplinary treatment line, which is dedicated to providing clinical care and developing new technologies in the field of Neuromodulation. We offer outpatient services to various Movement disorders such as Parkinson's Disease, Dystonias, Essential tremors, Tardive Dyskinesia’s, Tourette Syndromes apart from these we are involved to treat Chronic back pain, Failed back syndrome, and other Various pathologies based chronic pain. We also offer treatment for Epilepsies, Foot drop syndromes, various Behavioral syndromes and Spinal cord injuries.


      • Millions of Indians live with various Neurological disorders that arise from abnormal firing of the circuits of the nervous system. These disorders can cause a wide range of debilitating symptoms, including Chronic pain and Movement disorders Conditions include Parkinson's disease, Tourette syndrome, Dystonias, Tardive Dyskinesia’s, Epilepsies and various behavioral issues like aggressive behaviors, depressions and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Every year thousands of People become paraplegic and quadriplegic wheel chair bound because of Traumatic spinal cord injuries.
      • Neuromodulation is a series of technologies with medical advancements that act directly on your nervous system. By changing the way your nerves carry information to and from the brain, we can decrease the pain and increase mobility. At the Center for Neuromodulation, we use electrical currents and medications to treat nervous system problems.
      • “Neuromodulation therapies are a new field of treatment that involves stimulating parts of the nervous system to reset the abnormal circuitry,” says Dr. Pritam Majumdar , PhD, Director of the Center for Neuromodulation. “By implanting devices in the affected area of the body, we can use electricity to reset the problematic circuitry — much in the same way that a pacemaker controls abnormal heart rhythms.” The field of Neuromodulation is constantly growing and we, at the Center for Neuromodulation, are constantly conducting research to help further its developments.

      • Unlike other surgical options, an advantage of DBS is that it is reversible and does not cause permanent damage to any part of the brain.
      • Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a surgical procedure that involves implanting electrodes in the brain, which deliver electrical impulses that block or change the abnormal activity that cause symptoms.
      • In deep brain stimulation, electrodes are placed in the targeted areas of the brain. The electrodes are connected by wires to a type of pacemaker device (called an implantable pulse generator) placed under the skin of the chest below the collarbone.
      • Once activated, the pulse generator sends continuous electrical pulses to the target areas in the brain, modifying the abnormal activity in that area of the brain that is causing symptoms. The deep brain stimulation system operates much the same way as a pacemaker for the heart. In fact, deep brain stimulation is referred to as “the pacemaker for the brain.”


      Deep brain stimulation is approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat a variety of movement and neurologic disorders including:

      • Parkinson’s disease
      • Essential tremor
      • Dystonia
      • Epilepsy
      • Obsessive compulsive disorder
      • Tourette syndrome
      • Treatment Resistant Depression
      • Treatment Resistant Addiction syndromes
      • Alzheimer disease ( Currently under investigation)


      Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has many advantages:

      • Unlike some other surgical options, DBS does not cause permanent damage in any part of the brain.
      • The electrical stimulation is adjustable and reversible as the person's disease changes or his or her response to medications change.
      • Because DBS is reversible and causes no permanent brain damage, use of innovative not-yet-available treatment options may be possible.
      • The stimulator can also be turned off at any time if DBS is causing excessive side effects without any long-term consequences.